Friday, November 9, 2007

No More World Beyond

With the local dive season now good and over I've been fussing over my fish tank.

It's always hard for me to go into the long, dry winter months, but the little, aquatic dudes in my den make it easier. No matter how close I sit to the tank nor how hard I work my imagination it doesn't really feel like I'm underwater, but the little, fishy antics keep me plenty entertained.

For decoration originally I had the requisite drunken skeleton, the fake anemones, and the toy, plastic shipwreck (I mean, as a wreck diver, wouldn't it stand to reason that I'd have a shipwreck in my fishtank), but one by one I removed the pieces of camp. Even the shipwreck came out when my pleco started to strip the paint off the plastic. It was obvious the natural look was worlds better than the corny look.

In the coming few weeks I'm planning on starting the project of redecorating the tank to really nail the natural river habitat from which my fish originate. Rearrange the wood, add some indigenous plants, change out some of the gravel...

And that's when it occurred to me that if I'm going to play aquarium purist, I really should go all the way.

I'm going to add garbage.

Instead of having root and stone relief, I can give my fish a few shreds of car tire where they can sleep and attempt to spawn. Instead of floating surface plants to relax beneath, away from the threat of predators, I can drop a plastic Whole Foods bag in there. I bet an old sneaker would make a perfect cave for the pleco.

To emulate even the water quality of their natural habitat, every afternoon I'll pour into the tank a couple of tablespoons of Coke or motor oil.

I love my fish and am glad that I've thought of this way for them to feel just like they're in the wild.

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